Map of Africa |
House of Four Trees, installation, 1995 Artist: Obiora Udechukwu © |
Academic Programs
in African Studies
Summary: Lists of Academic
Programs in African Studies—Michigan State University, East Lansing.
African and Black
Studies Programs
Summary: List of
Universities and Colleges with a program in African and black Stuides.
African Studies at CCSU
Summary: The African Studies Program is a part of
the Central Connecticut State University International Area Studies Program. Its
principal goals are: to promote an interdisciplinary approach to the study of
Africa, to give students an opportunity to study in Africa and to encourage
student exchanges, to facilitate the exchange of scholars between C.C.S.U. and
African institutions, to establish links with local and regional educators
interested in the study of Africa, to encourage student visitation of Africana
Collections, and to develop a collaborative relationship with other African
Studies programs.
Studies Internet Resources
Columbia University's collection of African Studies Internet Resources is an
on-going compilation of electronic bibliographic resources and research
materials on Africa available on the global Internet, created under the purview
of the African Studies Department of Columbia University Libraries. Electronic
resources from Africa are organized by region and country. All materials are
arranged to encourage an awareness of authorship, type of information, and
subject. The scope of the collection is research-oriented, but it also provides
access to other gopher and web sites with different or broader missions.
African Studies—University of
URL: http://www.ed.ac.uk/~centas/cas.htm
Summary: The Centre
of African Studies is an entry point to the University and to the wider
interests of Scotland in Africa in many ways. Its masters degrees can be the
first stage in higher studies of Africa. At the doctoral level, the recognition
from Britain's Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) means that students
can be associated both with African Studies and a cognate Department, such as
History, Politics or Divinity. The Centre of African Studies can also be a
starting point to carrying out small scale projects on Africa, or an
introduction to the very rich and varied community interests in Africa within
African Studies
Centers and Programs
Summary: List of African
Studies Programs and Centers—University of California, Los Angeles.
Summary: List of African Studies Programs—University of Pennsylvania
Studies Programs and Centers—Columbia List
Summary: This document provides access to information available on the
Internet about African studies programs at major universities and research
centers. The list also includes links to Web pages with general information
about African universities.
African Studies Program at Indiana
University, Bloomington
URL: http://www.indiana.edu/~afrist/
The African Studies Program at Indiana University has long been recognized as
one of the leading centers for the interdisciplinary study of Africa. It has
been a U.S. Department of Education National Resource Center every year since
1965. The prominence of the Program is based on five complementary components.
African Studies Program at
Northwestern University
Summary: The African Studies Program
at Northwestern recognizes the rapid pace of global change and the vast and
complex processes which, through African mediations and representations of
experience, are reorganizing knowledge of the African world. The Program is
committed to establishing new avenues of inquiry through critical examination of
existing scholarly and institutional approaches to Africa, through recognition
of the power and significance of the studies of Africa being done in Africa and
within the African diaspora, and through support of innovative training and
research programs.
Studies—University of Wisconsin
Summary: The African Studies
Program coordinates teaching and research on Africa at the University of
Wisconsin-Madison. Formally established in 1962 and one of the earliest such
programs in the country, it has trained Africa specialists in a variety of
fields who are now teaching in the United States, in many African countries, and
in Canada and Great Britain. Research by members of the Wisconsin African
Studies Program has been fundamental in the fields of oral literature, folklore,
history and political science. Assistance by the Wisconsin program to African
universities and research institutes has helped establish major centers in
several African countries. The African Studies Program has also pioneered in the
field of African outreach programs in Wisconsin and the Upper Midwest.
Studies (Organizations, Programs)
Summary: Lists of
African Studies-Organizations & Programs—Stanford University.
Institute of
African Linguistics
Summary: The Institute of
African Linguistics is part of the Faculty "Ost- und Au§ereuropSische Sprach-und
Kulturwissenschaften" of the Goethe-UniversitSt Frankfurt am Main (Germany).
(SOAS)—University of London
Summary: SOAS (The School of Oriental and African
Studies) is part of the Federal University of London and all of its degree
courses are University of London programmes. It is Europe's leading center for
the study of Asia and Africa. Its worldwide renown as Europe's leading centre
for the study of Asia and Africa ensures that it is an international community
with students from about 100 countries and an international staff.
Africa: Organizations & Associations
Summary: List of Organizations and Associations on Africa.Africa - Student Organizations
URL: http://www-sul.stanford.edu/depts/ssrg/africa/stuorg.html
Summary: List of Student Organizations and related trades.African Distance Learning Association
URL: http://unicorn.ncat.edu:80/~michael/adla/
Summary: The association is established in the same format at as any other distance learning associations around the world. ADLA is the major supporting vehicle for Open College s and Virtual Universities of Africa.African Literature Association
Summary: The African Literature Association is an independent non-profit professional society open to scholars, teachers and writers from every country. It exists primarily to facilitate the attempts of a world-wide audience to appreciate the efforts of African writers and artists. The organization welcomes the participation of all who produce the object of our study and hopes for a constructive interaction between scholars and artists. The ALA as an organization affirms the primacy of the African peoples in shaping the future of African literature and actively supports the African peoples in their struggle for liberation.African Medical and Research Foundation
URL: http://www.amref.org/index.html
Summary: For 40 years, AMREF has worked with local communities to research and alleviate the region's health problems. AMREF's mission, in partnership with communities, governments and donors, is to improve health care for the underserved in Africa through service delivery, training and research. AMREF is a field-orientated organisation that implements programmes. It does not make grants.African Studies Association (ASA).
Summary: The African Studies Association (ASA) was founded in 1957 as a nonprofit organization open to all individuals and institutions interested in African affairs. Its mission is to bring together people with a scholarly and professional interest in Africa. The ASA also provides useful services to the Africanist community. Currently four periodicals and several occasional publications are produced annually. With 3,000 individual and 600 institutional members, the Association is the leading North American organization which promotes African Studies.African Studies—Columbia University
Summary: List of Scholarly Associations on Africa & other Directories.Association for the Development of Education in Africa (ADEA)
URL: http://www.bellanet.org/partners/adea/default.html
Summary: Bilingual (English and French) site for the Association of Development and Education in Africa (ADEA).The Association for the Development of Education in Africa (ADEA) aims at redefining how its two major constituents—African ministries of education and training, and funding agencies—relate to one another. For this, ADEA is a network characterized by structured informality, collegiality, and professionalism. ADEA was originally established in 1988 as an association (then called Donors to African Education—DAE) to foster collaboration and exchange of information among funding agencies.Association for the Study of Classical African Civilizations (ASCAC)
URL: http://www.citycom.com/ascac/ascac.html
Summary: ASCAC provides a body of knowledge that continuously contributes to the rescue. reconstruction and restoration of African history and culture. Our purpose is to promote the study of African civilizations for the development of an African world view. Our aim is to build African centered study groups and strengthen existing institutions. Our goal is to provide excellence in all dimensions of our association. Our strategy is to use our accumulated knowledge for the liberation of African people wherever they may be.Association of Concerned African Scholars.
URL: http://www.prairienet.org/acas/
Summary: Founded in 1977, the Association of Concerned Africa Scholars (ACAS) is a group of scholars and students of Africa dedicated to: formulating alternative analyses of Africa and U.S. government policy, developing communication and action networks between the peoples and scholars of Africa and the United States, and mobilizing support in the United States on critical, current issues related to Africa.Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) in sub-Saharan Africa
URL: http://www.umn.edu/humanrts/africa/toc.htm
Summary: he Status of Human Rights Organizations in Sub-Saharan Africa is the result of a very rewarding collaborative effort that included a large number of human rights activists and organizations. The project was undertaken at an historic moment for human rights protection in sub-Saharan Africa, following the emergence over the last several years of a large number of human rights organizations in the region. It was an appropriate moment to try to discern patterns or trends in these developments.Organizations, Institutes, and Associations
Summary: List of Organizations, Institutes, and Associations.Society of Research in African Cultures
URL: http://chss2.montclair.edu/sorac/home.htm
Summary: SORAC, the Society Of Research in African Cultures, was created in 1997. SORAC intends to make of Montclair State University a major center for the diffusion and promotion of African cultures and related research, not only in the State of New Jersey, but also in North America and worldwide.The U.S. - Africa: Education Foundation/Business Association
URL: http://www.usafrica.com/
Summary: Resources provided by the U.S.-Africa Business Association, Inc. which is a non-profit 501(c)(6) membership driven business association organized to promote bilateral trade and investment between the United States and Africa; and the U.S.-Africa Free Enterprise Education Foundation, Inc., which is a non-profit 501(C)(3) educational, research, and humanitarian organization.US Organizations
URL: http://www.columbia.edu/cu/libraries/indiv/area/Africa/USorgs.html
Summary: List of US Organizations on Africa.ANGOLA
URL: http://stoat.shef.ac.uk:8080/gertrudes/Angola/
Summary: Resources about Angola, in PortugueseALGERIA
Incore: Algeria
URL: http://www.incore.ulst.ac.uk/cds/countries/algeria.html
Summary: On-line resources cover history, email lists, NGOs, etc.. prepared by Initiative on Conflict Resolution & Ethnicity (INCORE).BURKINA FASO
Panafrican Film and Television Festival of Ouagadougou
URL: http://www.fespaco.bf/
Summary: Created in 1969, the Panafrican Film and Television Festival of Ouagadougou (FESPACO) has evolved into an internationally recognized and respected event. FESPACO became an institution on January 7th 1972 by decree in Burkina Faso, because of the enthusiasm and the hope it created among the public and filmmakers in Africa. It is biennial; starting on the last Saturday in February every odd year.CAMEROON
Camnet: Cameroun ISP
URL: http://www.camnet.cm/
Summary: Camnet is the internet service provider in Cameroun. The site also provides information on Camerounian culture, tourism, etc..CAPE VERDE
Cape Verde
URL: http://stoat.shef.ac.uk:8080/gertrudes/Angola/
Summary: Resources about Cape Verde, in Portuguese.CAPE VERDE World Wide Web LINKS
URL: http://www.erols.com/kauberdi/index.html
Summary: Extensive reources on Cape Verde.CÔTE D'IVOIRE
Sources on conflict and Ethnicity in Côte d'Ivoire
URL: http://www.incore.ulst.ac.uk/cds/countries/cdi.html
Summary: INCORE guide to Internet sources on conflict and ethnicity in Côte d'Ivoire (09/97)EGYPT
Egypt Page (Khaled Sewelam)
URL: http://www.geocities.com/Pentagon/3435/
Summary: Comprehensive list of web links for Egyptian resources.ETHIOPIA
Embassy of Ethiopia, USA
URL: http://www.nicom.com/~ethiopia/
Summary: Information about the Embassy of Ethiopia in Washington DC and resources on daily news, trade and investment, tourism, etc..GAMBIA
The Gambia
URL: http://home3.inet.tele.dk/mcamara/gam.html
Summary: Resources on Gambia include: news, history, and related web sites.GHANA
Ghana: Ministry of Communication
URL: http://www.communication.gov.gh/index.html
Summary: Resources on telecommunication sector in Ghana and its role in development.GUINEA
FAQ: Republic of Guinea
URL: http://www.myna.com/~boubah/FAQ_ENG.HTM
Summary: General information on Guinean business, culture, population, travel, etc..GUINEA BISSAU
Guinea Bissau
URL: http://stoat.shef.ac.uk:8080/gertrudes/Guine_Bissau/
Summary: Resources about Guinea Bissau, in Portuguese.MADAGASCAR
Madagascar Cultural Alliance Inc
URL: http://www.mcai.org/mca3e.htm
Summary: Madagascar Cultural Alliance Inc. is a non-profit organization founded in Washington, D.C. in August 1985. MCA Inc. seeks to promote malagasy culture and the malagasy language with the diaspora overseas, and also with americans and others, who are interested in Madagascar. The web site includes resources on arts and crafts, music, MCA events, etc..MAURITIUS
Mauritius News
URL: http://www.mauritius-news.co.uk/
Summary: Mauritius News, was founded in November 1983 to provide an organ to the Mauritian Community in the UK. Produced as a tabloid on a monthly basis, it is available in France, Belgium, Switzerland, Australia, and Canada.MOZAMBIQUE
URL: http://stoat.shef.ac.uk:8080/gertrudes/Mocambique/
Summary: Resources about Mozambique, in PortugueseNIGERIA
Guide to National Archives of Nigeria, Enugu
URL: http://www2.rz.hu-berlin.de/inside/orient/nae/
Summary: The Guide to the Records at the National Archives, Enugu is the first Guide to be compiled by any of the branch office making up the National Archives of Nigeria. This Guide is designed to introduce searchers, far and near, to the large mass of invaluable public records available in the repositories of the Enugu Archives. Every attempt was made to include all available sources but it is possible that some source must have been over looked.Nigeriassets Home
URL: http://www.nigeriassets.com/index.html
Summary: Nigeriassets.com features Major economic, financial and banking data, Monetary, credit, foreign trade, and exchange policy guidelines, and information on doing business in Nigeria.Nigeria - Telecommunications Industry
URL: http://mbendi.co.za/adcg/ngtel01.htm
Summary: This is an in-depth analysis of the structure of the industry and the rapid developments taking place in the sector. It is an important guide for banks, investors and emerging service providers needing a broader perspective of the telecoms sector in Nigeria.RWANDA
Rwanda: the Great Genocide Debate Conference, 07/97
URL: http://homepages.udayton.edu/~uwiringi/genocide/
Summary: This briefing brings together papers and transcriptions from 'Rwanda: the Great Genocide Debate', a conference organised by Africa Direct in London on 27 July 1997. The conference attracted delegates from Belgium, Burundi, Canada, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda and the United Kingdom.SAO TOME & PRINCIPE
Sao Tome & Principe
URL: http://stoat.shef.ac.uk:8080/gertrudes/Sao_Tome/
Summary: Resources about Sao Tome & Principe, in Portuguese.SOUTH AFRICA
South African Immigration Policy
URL: http://www.queensu.ca/samp/index.html
Summary: The Southern African Migration Project is a three-year, multi-faceted research programme designed to facilitate the formulation and implementation of new policy initiatives on cross-border population migration in the region and to promote public awareness on the role, status and contribution of foreign immigrants of African origin in South Africa.SUDAN
Kush: Black Africa's Earliest Civilisation
URL: http://www.culturekiosque.com/art/exhibiti/index_se.htm
Summary: This exhibit represents the 4,000 year feud between the Sudan and Egypt. The exhibit was run at the Institute du Monde Arabe in Paris until 08/97, and it highlights some of the rivalries and grievances which have been smouldering since the twilight of time.TANZANIA
Bwambadi Home
URL: http://web.ionsys.com/~mourad/bwambadi.htm
Summary: Resources on Swahili culture: language, cuisine, music, history, proverbs, etc..Embassy of Tanzania
URL: http://www.escapeartist.com/tanzania/embassy.htm
Summary: Information provided by the Tanzania Embassy in the United Kingdom.Tanzania High Commission Office
URL: http://www.tanzania-online.gov.uk/
Summary: Tanzania High Commission Office (TANZANREP-UK) is the office in charge of diplomatic activities between the Governments of the United Republic of Tanzania and that of the United Kingdom and of the Ireland. It provides information on history, business, tourism, politics, news, and other web sites on Tanzania.UGANDA
NARO Information Policy and Strategy (Uganda)
URL: http://www.cgiar.org/isnar/Hosted/NARO/Strategy/contents.htm
Summary: This report was prepared by the National Agricultural Research Organisation (NARO) and was thoroughly discussed in two workshops comprising of NARO scientists and information management staff and then NARO top management staff together with experts from ISNAR, ICRAF, CAB, CTA, ECDPM and Makerere University.
Zambia: General Information
URL: http://www.africa-insites.com/zambia/info/Default.htm
Summary: Includes resources on: History, The People, Geography, Vegetation, Relocation Info, Schools, Government and Politics, Gemstones, Art Directory of Links to all things Zambian.Lusaka Lowdown
URL: http://www.zamnet.zm/zamnet/lowdown/index.html
Summary: The Lusaka Lowdown contains news, reviews and articles of interest to Lusakans and has a print run of 3000 per month. It is also distributed along the line of rail between Lusaka and the Copperbelt and Livingstone.Travel Guide to Zambia
URL: http://www.africa-insites.com/zambia/
Summary: Resources on travel, wildlife, and general information on Zamiba.Zambia Legal Information Institute
URL: http://zamlii.zamnet.zm/
Summary: The Zambia Legal Information Institute is managed and operated by the University of Zambia School of Law. It provides the extensive resource for Zambian case law, the laws of Zambia, the Zambian Constituition, commentary on Zambian law and other features.ASFC: Africa Program
URL: http://www.afsc.org/pdesc/africa.htm
Summary: The American Friends Service Committee (AFSC) programs in Africa. AFSC compiled an "Africa Connections" packet of materials - detailing the work we do and the work we support in & around Africa.Development
URL: http://www-sul.stanford.edu/depts/ssrg/africa/devel.html
Summary: Information on general developments in AfricaDevelopment—Africa
Summary: Developments in AfricaDevelopment Studies in Britain
URL: http://www.ids.ac.uk/courses/cou_inst.html
Summary: The establishment of the Conference of Directors of Special Courses in 1967 was in part a response to the growing importance of training and to a detennination that the training provided by UK institutions should be appropriate to the needs of overseas students and be provided by teaching staff with substantial overseas experience and an understanding of the demands of crosscultural communication.Devline
URL: http://nt1.ids.ac.uk/
Summary: Devline - providing information services and systems for development professionals ... and for everyone else working on issues of economic, social and sustainable development.EcoNews Africa
URL: http://www.web.apc.org/~econews/
Summary: EcoNews Africa is an NGO initiative that analyses global environment and development issues from an African perspective and reports on local, national, and regional activities that contribute to global solutionsHabitat in Developing Countries
URL: http://obelix.polito.it/forum/links/
Summary: This is a virtul library about the habitat in developing countries. It is mantained by the "Forum: habitat in developing Countries", an initiative of the Library "Territorio Ambiente" of the Faculty of Architecture of the Polytechnic of Torino, Italy.Information Bank on African Development Studies (IBADS)
URL: http://www.WORLDBANK.ORG/html/ibads/IBADS.html
World Bank’s Information Bank on African Development Studies (IBADS) is an electronic service provided by the African Technical Department at the World Bank for the dissemination of information about development studies in sub-Saharan Africa. IBADS also has a listserv.African Countries Information
URL: http://www.msci.memphis.edu/~asauofm/AFRIDAT.html
Summary: Statistics on AfricaColumbia University
URL: http://www.columbia.edu/cu/libraries/indiv/area/Africa/emflg.html
Summary: Embassies, Flags and Missions of AfricaCountry Specific Web Pages
URL: http://www.sas.upenn.edu/African_Studies/Home_Page/Country.html
Summary: Country specific web pagesDevelopment Fact
URL: http://www.care.org/devrescenter/devfact.html
Summary: CARE 1997 World Development Statistics on poverty, hunger, children, population, health, women, education, environment, refugees, etc.NCGIA—Population Grid
URL: http://grid2.cr.usgs.gov/globalpop/africa/app-2.html
Summary: The NCGIA is an independent research consortium whose primary mandate is to conduct basic research in geographic
information science and its related technology.WIDNET
URL: http://www.focusintl.com/widstat0.htm
Summary: Statistics on Women in Development.Africa and African-American Resources on the 'Net
URL: http://www.thestrandcafe.com/mills/afroweb.html
Summary: List of Africa and African-American Resources on the Internet.AfricaLand
URL: http://www.focusintl.com/afriland.htm
Summary: General information on AfricaAfrica Server
URL: http://www.africaserver.nl/front_uk.htm
Summary: The modules of the Africaserver are thematical chapters where you can find more information on a given subject. Most modules are about the relationship Holland-Africa. The editors will keep you informed on a subject. Suggested links point to other relevant sources of information on the Internet.Africa—Related Links
URL: http://polyglot.lss.wisc.edu/afrst/links.html
Summary: List of Africa related linksAfricana Libraries Newsletter
URL: http://www.lib.msu.edu/lauer/aln/
Summary: Africana Libraries Newsletter (ALN) is published quarterly by the Michigan State University (MSU) Libraries and the MSU African Studies Center. It carries reports on meetings of ALC, CAMP (Cooperative Africana Microform Project) and other relevant groups plus other items of interest to Africana librarians and those concerned about information resources about or in Africa.A-Z of African Studies on the Internet
URL: http://www.library.uwa.edu.au/~plimb/az.html
Summary: Alphabetical list of African Studies—University of Western Australia ListBlacknet UK
URL: http://www.blacknet.co.uk
Summary: Welcome to the Black History Archives, an area devoted to cataloging andshowcasinghistorical Black content on the World Wide Web. In this area you'll find information on Political Leaders, Exhibits, Indexes and References to African Americans, as well as pictorial galgtiacies.The IMF, Market Reform and Economic Crisis
URL: http://members.aol.com/Gafrin/imf.htm
Summary: Most current Structural Adjustment and Economic Reform Programs around the world have a common international context of origin. In this site we would explore some of the various dimensions of the IMF record not only in Africa but also in Asia because we
observe similarities in terms of initial conditions, imposed conditionalities, ideological orientations, implicit and explicit objectives and impact on the countries hosting the IMF programs.WildNet Africa: Wildlife News
URL: http://www.wildnetafrica.com/wildlifenews/index.html
Summary: Resources on African wildlife news, reports, newsletters, web sites, and job-related.World African Network Online
URL: http://www.worldafricannet.com
Summary: General News and Information on Africa.African Indigenous Knowledge Systems
URL: http://members.aol.com/afsci/africana.htm
Summary: In this home page we intend to present various perspectives on Africa's indigenous knowledge systems from a wide range of scholars. We would publish extracts from works on the subject. We shall focus on the following areas: Background History of Africa, African Food Processing Techniques, African Textile Techniques, African Metallurgy, Colonialism and Africa's Technology, and Mathematics in pre-colonial Hausaland, West Africa.African Traditional Religion
URL: http://users.iol.it/cdi/
Summary: Resources on African Traditional Religion that include: web links, bibliographies, and some topical issues.An Africa Politics Classroom
URL: http://abacus.cgu.edu/spe/ppp/africa/coun_indx.html
Summary: An extensive resource list covers all African countries' resources links on politics scenes such as conflicts, constitution, elections, human rights, government, etc..Images of Masks: Africa
URL: http://www.masks.org/linksout/nav/Indexname/Nset.html
Summary: Maskes from different African ethnic groups.Magical Faces of Africa
URL: http://www.culturekiosque.com/art/exhibiti/index_me.htm
Summary: This exhibit of african masks is organized by the Musee Dapper in Paris, France.World History: Africa as a whole
URL: http://www.hartford-hwp.com
Summary: A repository for documents for teaching and understanding contemporary world history and the struggle for social progress. These archives are associated with Gateway to World History- a collection of resources for the study of world history, and with Images of World History- a pre-modern image archive. It includes resources on Egypt and the Maghrib, The Horn, Western Africa, Centeral Africa, Eastern Africa, and Southern Africa.Africa—Maps
URL: http://www-sul.stanford.edu/depts/ssrg/africa/map.html
Summary: Websites with information on Maps of selected African countriesClickable map of Africa
URL: http://www.osu.edu/org/awognet/
Summary: African Women Global Network (AWOGNet) is a global organization that networks all men and women, organizations, institutions and indigenous national organizations within Africa, whose activities are targeted towards the improvement of the living conditions of women and children in Africa. Click on a country for further links and information.Imperialism—Africa
URL: http://www.city.net/regions/africa/maps/impafh.html
Summary: Imperialism—AfricaMaps of Africa
URL: http://www.columbia.edu/cu/libraries/indiv/area/Africa/maps.html
Summary: List of Maps of African Countries.AFRICA TELECOM 98
URL: http://www.gold.itu.int/TELECOM/aft98/index.html
Summary: AFRICA TELECOM 98 was the fourth regional telecommunications Exhibition and Forum for the Africa region to be organized by the ITU as part of its programme of regional TELECOM events, following AFRICA TELECOM 86, which was held in Nairobi, Kenya, AFRICA TELECOM 90, which was held in Harare, Zimbabwe and AFRICA TELECOM 94, which was held in Cairo, Egypt.African Telecommunication Observatory
URL: http://www.telecom-plus.sn/observatoire
Summary: Reports on information-technology related activities in Africa. (in French)African Telecommunication Infrasturctures for Information Access
URL: http://www.nlc-bnc.ca/ifla/VI/5/op/udtop5/udtop7.htm
Summary: This paper reviews the telecommunication networks in the Africa region (i.e. 25 countries bounded by Sudan in the North, the Democratic Republic of Congo in the west, South Africa in the South, and the Island nations in the East) and proposes a way forward to the new millennium.Information Technologies in Africa
URL: http://www.regards.cnrs.fr/africanti/edefault.html
Summary: The Developpment of the new technologies of information and communication is a fact in the african countries too. This website offers a comprehensive vision of this evolution in the african continent in order to show the implication in spatial organizationInternet Connectivity in Africa
URL: http://www.telecom-plus.sn/observatoire/essai.htm
Summary: Information on internet connectivity in mainly Franco-phone Africa. (in French)Travel and Entertainment
Summary: Information about travel-related facilities in African countries.Excite
URL: http://www.city.net/regions/africa/
Summary: Cities/Regions and Travel in AfricaAfrica—Travel
URL: http://www-sul.stanford.edu/depts/ssrg/africa/travel.html
Summary: General Information on travel and travel facilities available in different African countries.
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Last Update: January 10, 2007
Web Page by C. G. OkaforContact: aaws@africanwomenstudies.org
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