African Women
Agencies & Organizations
Women's Issues
& Women's Resources
Women's Studies Programs
House of Four Trees, installation, 1995
Artist: Obiora Udechukwu ©
African Women
URL: http://www-sul.stanford.edu/depts/ssrg/africa/women.html
Summary: A link to general information on African women.African Women Global Network (AWOGNet)
URL: http://www.osu.edu/org/awognet
Summary: This is a global organization that works with individuals and organizations within Africa to improve the living conditions of women and children in Africa.African American Women & Womanist Studies.
URL: http://www.uic.edu:80/~vjpitch/
Summary: The sites is a collection by and for all women but specifically reflects the author's interest in African American women. It is by no means a comprehensive guide to information by and for African American women on the Internet.African Women's Issues
Summary: A site that provides links to African women's networks and association with statistical information on population, health, education, labor and power.Association of African Women Scholars (AAWS)
URL: http://www.iupui.edu/~aaws/
Summary: AAWS is a worldwide organization dedicated to promoting and encouraging scholarship on African women in African Studies, forging intellectual links and networks with scholars, activists, students, and policy makers inside and outside Africa, and participating actively in continental and global debates on issues specifically relevant or related to African women.Divided Loyalties ... to be woman, to be black
URL: http://www.sistahspace.com/nommo/index.html
Summary: But what is womanism ?
"There is a great stir about colored men getting their rights but not a word about colored women; and if colored men get their rights and not colored women theirs, you see, colored men will be masters over the women." (Sojourner Truth)International Women's Web Sites
URL: http://research.umbc.edu/~korenman/wmst/links_intl.html
Summary: List of international web sites on women.Organization of Women Writers of Africa (OWWA)
URL: http://www.owwa.org/
Summary: A site that provides links to women writers of Africa and the African Diaspora.Womanist Theory and Research
URL: http://www.uga.edu/~womanist
Summary: Reflecting womanist inclusivity, WTR provides a forum for exchanging feminist research, theory, and ideas among women-of-color scholars and students in the humanities, social sciences, education, theology, law, medicine, politics, librarianship, journalism, art, information technologies, and telecommunications.Women of Color Resources
URL: http://research.umbc.edu/~korenman/wmst/woc.html
Summary: Provides you with information on internet resources on women of color.Womensnet-South Africa
URL: http://www.womennet.org.za/
Summary: This is a vibrant and innovative networking support programme designed to enable South African women to use the Internet to find the people, issues, resources and tools needed for women's social action.Women and International Development
URL: http://www.isp.msu.edu/WID/index.html
Summary: MSU-WID actively engages in providing services and information to faculty and students interested in research and study on women and international development. The Program facilitates the development and revision of courses, maintains a large library of materials, conducts a series of seminars, and organizes informal study groups. The commitment of MSU-WID to public service is distributed in several ways. Program staff and affiliates provide help to faculty involved in development assistance to meet MSU and United States guidelines with respect to gender. They identify women in the university and in host countries to assist in project design and implementation, and to evaluate the potential impact of specific projects on women.American Association of University Women (AAUW)
URL: http://www.aauw.org/
Summary: A US-based organization that promotes education and equity for women and girls.American Medical Women's Association
URL: http://www.amwa-doc.org/index.html
Summary: This is an organization of over 10,000 women physicians and medical students dedicated to the care of the woman patient and serving as the unique voice for women's health.International Federation of University Women
URL: http://www.plantagenet.com/~lmcleod/ifuw/
Summary: This is a Geneva-based non-governmental organization of over 18,000 women university graduates from sixty-seven national federations and associations.National Organization for Women
URL: http://www.now.org
Summary: This is a US-based organization fighting for the elimination of sexism and working to effect economic, social, political, and legal changes in society.National Women's Studies Association (NWSA)
URL: http://www.feminist.com/nwsa.htm
Summary: This is a professional organization of educators, students, activists, and women's centers that promotes the social, political, and professional development of Women's Studies throughout the US and the world.WISE
URL: http://women-www.uia.ac.be/women/wise
Summary: WISE, founded in 1990, is a European feminist studies organization involved in women's studies and gender issues. The association seeks to promote feminist critiques of knowledge, and supports practices and research which will improve the quality of women's lives.Women in Development NETwork (WIDNET)
URL: http://www.focusintl.com/widnet.htm
Summary: This site has extensive statistics, links, directory, and database on international and women's issues.Women in Publishing
URL: http://www.cyberiacafe.net/wip/
Summary: Women in Publishing aims to promote the status of women working in publishing and related trades by helping them to develop their careers. Through WIP there are opportunities to learn more about your area of work, share information and expertise, give and receive support, and partake in practical training for career and personal development.Our activities are open to all women interested in publishing. Women in Publishing's members, in the UK and abroad, range from students to managing directors.Women Watch
URL: http//www.un.org/womenwatch/
Summary: This is the United Nations internet gateway on the advancement and empowerment of women.Women's Organizations.
URL: http://www.womenbooks.com/cybrary/organizations.html
Summary: This site contains a list of organisations and societies supporting women's writing.Women's Studies: Associations and Organizations
Summary: This site provides a directory to women organizations, associations, and networks.Women's organizations,
URL: http://www.sunsite.unc.edu/cheryb/women/resource/orgs.html
Summary: This is an index to women's organizations.United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM).
URL: http://www.unifem.undp.org/
Summary: UNIFEM promotes women's empowerment and gender equality. It works to ensure the participation of women in all levels of development planning and practice.A Celebration of Women Writers
Summary: The Celebration of Women Writers recognizes the contributions of women writers throughout history. Women have written almost every imaginable type of work: novels, poems, letters, biographies, travel books, religious commentaries, histories, economic and scientific works. Our goal is to promote awareness of the breadth and variety of women's writing.Beijing T95--Follow Up and Implementation
URL: http://www.igc.org/beijing/
Summary: Reports on Barriers to Access, with Recommendations for Change.Bibliographies--Women's Studies
URL: http://www.womenbooks.com/index.html
Summary: Our objective is to be the main reference site for women's writing with a collection of links where every woman can find the readings of her choice, be it information or recreation.Cyberactive
URL: http://cyber-active.com/wwin/
Summary: Women's Web InfonetFemina
URL: http://www.femina.com
Summary: FeMiNa was created in September of 1995 and debuted online to provide women with a comprehensive, searchable directory of links to female friendly sites and information on the World Wide Web.Feminism & Women's Studies
URL: http://english-www.hss.cmu.edu/feminism.html
Summary: This page publishes women's studies and feminist works, particularly focusing on issues of sex, gender, sexual identity and sexuality in cultural practices.Grants for Single Mothers See Single Mothers
URL: http://nt1.ids.ac.uk/eldis/gender/gender.htm
Summary: This guide offers a more structured overview of the subject than is possible through the search option. Organisational sources (which include descriptions of organisations, databases and discussion lists) are arranged into useful groups.Gender Issues
URL: http://sunsite.unc.edu/cheryb/women/resource/gender.html
Summary: Information on Gender StudiesJoan Korenman
URL: http://research.umbc.edu/~korenman/
Summary: WMST-L, an electronic forum for Women's Studies teaching, research, and program administration.With more than 4000 subscribers in 47 countries, WMST-L is now the largest women-related academic e-mail forum in the world. Korenman also established and maintains the UMBC Women's Studies web site; it includes annotated, frequently-updated compilations of women-related e-mail forums and web sites concerned with women's studies/women's issues.Library Resources for Women's Studies
URL: http://sunsite.unc.edu/cheryb/women/librcws.html
Summary: Information on Universities and Research Centers with Women's Studies resources and collections. We've searched the internet for information on some useful or unique collections. If an OPAC was mentioned as being especially strong in women's resources, we've provided a TELNET link to that OPAC for you.Recommended Readings on Women
URL: http://pages.prodigy.com/HYEW27A/fembooks.htm
Summary: Different readings on women in areas such as Women's Sufferage/History/Politics, Theories of Feminism, The Classics/Popular Works, Women/Gender Issues, and Women and Religion/SpiritualityResources--Women
URL: http://grantsforsinglemother.org/
URL: http://www.womenbooks.com/cybrary/resources.html
Summary: Our objective is to be the main reference site for women's writing with a collection of links where every woman can find the readings of her choice, be it information or recreation.
Summary: This page has a lot of information on resources for single mothers/parents - federal grants, housing grants, medical, child care, special needs, homelessness, councelling, to college, budget, credit etc.University of Maryland--WOST Resources
URL: http://www.inform.umd.edu/EdRes/Topic/WomensStudies
Summary: This serves those people interested in the women's studies profession and in general women's issues. It contains collections of conference announcements, calls for papers, and employment opportunities, as well as a picture gallery, and a significant number of government documents, and much more.Women on the net (WON)
URL: http://members.aol.com/aawon1/contents.htm
Summary: The mission of Women on the Net (WON) is to create a web site that provides a non-hostile, non-threatening, and non-judgmental place where all women may assemble, mature, and nurture in an oasis of feminine wisdom. In addition, Women on the Net shall create a place for all to learn why we love each other, as well as why we hate each other, and to understand all that makes each woman a unique feminine spirit.Women Studies WWW Pages & Gophers--Joan Korenman's List
URL: http://umbc7.umbc.edu/~korenman/wmst/links.html
Summary: Women's Studies/Women's Issues Resource Sites is a somewhat selective, alphabetical listing of web sites containing resources and information about women's studies/women's issues, with an emphasis
on sites of particular use to an academic women's studies program.Women's Net at IGC.
URL: http://www.igc.apc.org/womennet/wom.issues.html
Summary: This site provides comprehensive links to progressive Women's Issues, Interests, & Information on the Internet.Women's Web World--The Feminist Majority Online
URL: http://www.feminist.org/
Summary: The name Feminist Majority is a consciousness-raiser, inspired by a Newsweek/Gallup public opinion poll that showed the majority of women (56%) in the United States self-identified as feminists. Most polls since then reveal that this majority continues with over two-thirds of young women self-identifying as feminists. Most men, especially young men, view themselves as supporters of the women's rights movement.Women's Bookshelf
URL: http://www.womenbooks.com/
Summary: The Women's Cybrary is a collection of links to authors' sites, to publishers, to collections and to all related sites we find interesting and relevant.WWWomen
URL: http://www.wwwomen.com
Summary: We are dedicated to finding all sites on the Web relevant to women-- from sites about child rearing and pregnancy to sites about civil liberties, careers and religion. Supportive of women and their interests, WWWomen offers no political, religious or philosophical agenda and hopes to attract women of all attitudes and persuasions. While other search engines do contain sites relating to women- many collected automatically by search robots, we feel it takes a dedicated and constant effort to obtain, qualify, maintain and organize this area. WWWomen will get you to women's related topics faster than any other site. WWWomen has already sorted through all of the irrelevant and invalid links for you so that you obtain the fastest and most relevant searches possible.Women's Studies
URL: http://www.womenbooks.com/index.html
Summary: Our objective is to be the main reference site for women's writing with a collection of links -- where every woman can find the readings of her choice, be it information or recreation.Women's Studies Programs
URL: http://sunsite.unc.edu/cheryb/women/otherprogs.html
Summary: A lead to a variety of women's studies programa that are available.Women's Studies Programs at Affiliated Universities
URL: http://www.psu.edu/dept/womensstudies/other.htm
Summary: This is a listing of the Women's Studies Programs at Universities that are affiliated with Penn State.URL: http://research.umbc.edu/~korenman/wmst/programs.html
Summary: What follows is a list of women's studies programs, departments, and research centers around the world that have web sites. Programs and departments offering graduate degrees or concentrations have this fact noted in an annotation below the link.
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Last Update: January 10, 2007
Web Page by C. G. OkaforContact: aaws@africanwomenstudies.org
Copyright© by AAWS