NAME (Includetitle) ______________________________________________________________________________INSTITUTIONAL AFFILIATION __________________________________________________________________
MAILING ADDRESS ____________________________________________________________________________
PHONE: (work)_____________________________(home)________________________________________________
Income over $35,000
Income from $15,000—$35,000
Income below $15,000
Students (resident outside Africa)
Other residents in Africa
African students studying in Africa
Institutional Member
Institutional Member (Africa)
Life Member* *
Associate membership rate: $5 off categories 1-3 above,*Add $10.00 for ovrseas airmail
* * One-time payment or 4 annual installmentsof $250.00$40
$ 5*
and $100 off life membership rate
AAWS dues are for one calendar year. Above dues apply to North America and overseas surface mail. For overseas air-mail add $10 per annum. Make checks payable to Association of African Women Scholars. Members not resident in the United States should pay by money order or check in US dollars drawn on a US bank.Send to:
Omofolabo Ajayi-Soyinka, PhD
Secretary, Association of African Women Scholars (AAWS)
Women, Gender and Sexuality Studies
Department of Theatre, University of Kansas,
Lawrence, KS 66045, USA
Telephone: 785.864-2312 or 785-864-2691
Fax: 785.864.5772
E-mail: omofola@ku.edu
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Page Title: AAWS Registration
Last Update: September 12, 2011
Posted by C. G. Okafor