Women in
Education, Gender
& Sustainable Development in the Age of Globalization
Professor Obioma
Nnaemeka, Convener
E-mail: waadconf@iupui.edu;
website: http://www.waadconf.org
For over a decade, the WAAD
conferences have provided the space for researchers, students, policy makers, activists,
women and men of different races, religious persuasions and ideological
leanings to engage in vigorous and fruitful debates on issues relating to women
THEME (Education, Gender & Sustainable Development in the Age of
The 4th WAAD
interdisciplinary conference will provide opportunities for constituencies
inside and outside the academy—researchers, academicians, practitioners, policy
makers, professionals, and students from various disciplines in the humanities,
social sciences, pure and applied sciences, professional schools, etc.—to discuss
the education of women and girls in Africa and the African Diaspora and explore
its relationship to sustainable development in a rapidly globalizing, complex
world. How can the acquisition of different forms of knowledge guarantee
women’s participation in ensuring that today’s growth does not jeopardize the
growth and possibilities of future generations and that “development meets the
needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to
meet their own needs.”? What role would
indigenous knowledge play in women’s participation? In disciplinary terms, the
conference will examine the central role the arts and humanities can and must
play in the global knowledge economy and their relevance to development
discourses and practice. How can humanistic studies dialogue with scientific
studies in addressing global issues such as social and environmental justice,
gender/social inequality and knowledge gap, and education for 21st
century global citizenship?
Autobiographies and Biographies
Capacity-building and Leadership
Civil Society, NGOs and
Transnational Activism
Creativity (Oral & Written
Traditions), Artistic Expressions and Development
Curricular Development and Reform
Democratization and Women’s
Educating against War and
Volunteerism, Civil Engagement and Global
Education Policy, Teacher Education,
and National Development
Energy, Mineral Wealth and National
Engendering the Disciplines
Entrepreneurship and
Small/Medium-size Businesses
Feminist/Womanist Interventions
Gendered Inequalities and Access to
Gendered Spaces and the Diaspora
Global Financial Institutions and
Women in Developing Countries
Health, Medical Sciences and Health
Gendered Violence, Human Rights and
Social Justice
Libraries and Archives
Mobilization and Transnational
Social Movements
Peace and Conflict Resolution
Poverty Alleviation, Agriculture,
and Food Security
Preserving the Environment, Saving
Our Planet
Religion, Culture, and Indigenous
Skills-Training and Economic
Communications, Technology and the
Digital Divide
The Economy and Global Capital
The Humanities, Development, and
Understanding Gender and Global
Women in Higher Education: Research,
Teaching and Administration
Youth Engaging Development
Forms for paper, panel, roundtable
and workshop proposals are available on the conference website: www.waadconf.org. Send as e-mail
attachments the completed proposal form, abstract and curriculum vitae (as Word
documents) by FEBRUARY 15, 2009 to
the Convener at waadconf@iupui.edu.
Selected papers will be published.
Registration form and fee schedule
are available at the conference website: www.waadconf.org.
All presenters whose proposals have been accepted must pre-register by MARCH 15, 2009 for their names to
appear on the conference program.
Professor Obioma Nnaemeka, Convener
2009 WAAD Conference
Department of World Languages & Cultures
Phone: 317-278-2038; Fax:
E-mail: waadconf@iupui.edu; Website: www.waadconf.org
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